More than a dozen states have legalized recreational use of marijuana, and most others allow it on a medical basis. THE Delta-8 THC derived from hemp is also gaining popularity. It’s even legal in states where marijuana is not.
But as more Americans incorporate cannabis products into their daily lives, there are also more and more dogs enter accidentally the grass of their owners.
“We have actually seen a significant increase in the number of calls to pet poison helplines and the ASPCA because of it,” says Dr. Rena Carlson, the president of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
What happens if a dog eats grass?
Dogs process marijuana in their central nervous systems the same way humans do, but their response to the high is very different, Carlson says, because they don’t understand what’s happening.
“They’re going to be much more stressed by the fact that maybe they don’t have control, they don’t have the means or they don’t rationally understand that this is a spike temporary,” Carlson told USA TODAY.
Dogs also have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains, so the effects of any THC product will be more pronounced and toxic than when humans consume them.
The symptoms of a dog under the influence of marijuana are similar to those of any other toxin, Carlson explains:
- Uncoordinated or abnormal walking
- Salivate
- Urinating uncontrollably
- Dilated pupils
- Anxiety
- Sudden depression or excitement
At higher doses, veterinarians typically see low blood pressure and heart rate, seizures, and even death.
“Any of these signs are certainly alarming and you would want to see a veterinarian as soon as possible,” says Carlson.
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Is grass bad for dogs?
Yes. According to the AVMA, there have been several dog deaths due to cannabis toxicity, likely due to complications like aspiration (difficulty breathing). Cannabis toxicity also comes from exposure to edibles, which can have other ingredients toxic to dogs.
“That’s not the case for dogs, even at low doses, just because we can get a pleasant experience with these products,” Carlson says.
If your dog consumes edibles in the form of brownies or gummies, there may be chocolate, oils or other harmful foods. Carlson says that’s where veterinarians see overdoses, because animals don’t often stop at just a bite or two — they might even chew plastic or push a cabinet door open.
“Often, products are assembled in a form that attracts the animal,” Carlson says. “Dogs have such a keen sense of smell that they look for it, they know it’s something that would be palatable to them. … They have no way of knowing if this product contains a potentially toxic compound.”
The key is to make sure your pets don’t get into your cannabis products at all, including cats, who are often more sensitive to THC, Carlson says. Place your products high on shelves or in areas where pets cannot pass.
Exposure this can also happen during walks, So Carlson recommends keeping them on a leash and by your side so they don’t wander off and eat something they shouldn’t. Non-owners can help by not littering.
“Prevention is key,” says Carlson.
Owners should also exercise caution when it comes to CBD dog treats. As a growing number of people treat pain and stress with CBD, some choose to let their dogs in on alternative medicine. Carlson says little is known about the benefits and safety of these products. It is best to consult your veterinarian for advice and treatment for dog anxiety.
“We have very little control over the concentrations and exactly what product is in them,” Carlson says. “Within the CBD and THC group, there are many variations as to which nervous system receptor this particular compound would bind to and react with. »
What should I do if my dog ate grass?
Your job as a pet owner is simple: take your dog to the veterinarian immediately and be upfront about potential marijuana poisoning so they can evaluate and treat it quickly. Some owners are hesitant to disclose it because of state laws banning weed, Carlson says, but it could be a matter of life and death for your pet. Be specific if you can.
“It contains other products that are okay for humans, but can be toxic to dogs and cats,” Carlson says. “Those are additional complications that the veterinarian needs to know about – what could have been in this product that we would need to worry about.”
The vet will then provide your dog with supportive care, helping him through the effect throughout its course by keeping him full of fluids. If exposure is early enough, they may also make oneself vomit or give them activated charcoal to move toxic ingredients through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed. The treatment depends on the dosage, so if you know, it’s good to share it also. If your dog is having seizures, for example, it can help you control them safely.
If you are unsure about your dog’s symptoms, the ASPCA operates a 24-hour animal poison control center where they can give you advice at 888-426-4435.
How long does it take for weed to be eliminated from a dog’s system?
THE length of time the herb spends in the system it depends on the dog and the dosage. Carlson says she has seen cases that last a few hours and some that last several days. Your veterinarian will be able to give you a clearer idea of the care schedule; the most important thing to worry about is getting them there in the first place.
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