Better adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommendations on cancer prevention was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of all cancers, according to a new study. study published in the journal. BMC Medicine.1Modifiable lifestyle factors are known to increase the risk of common cancers, such as colorectal and breast. In an effort to reduce overall cancer risk, the WCRF and AICR published 10 prevention recommendations in 2007. The recommendations, updated in 2018, encourage a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and practicing of physical activity.“Several studies have investigated associations…
Author: jzaqhzmy
NutraIngredients-USA spoke with Kleiner in 2019 on the subject and at that time, she said that even though women were everyone’s primary buyers, nutraceutical brands weren’t giving them anything to buy. Four years later, has that changed? “I think so,” Kleiner said. “Not an abundance, but things are definitely changing and we have more than anything, the beginnings of good research evidence behind some of the brands that claim to be aimed at women. Unfortunately, very often a product was developed and all the research was done on men and it was written “female-based.” As a judge for the NutraIngredients…
COLORADO SPRINGS — Suicide is a complex problem that has many contributing factors, but overall, active-duty military members and veterans commit suicide at a rate 1.6 times higher than non-veterans, according to THE U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.Given that Colorado Springs has one of the highest per capita veteran populations in the country. As home to several military installations and support services, we lose more veterans to suicide than any other part of the state. The people closest to the subject hope to give you advice on how to support someone in your life who may be struggling to find…
Are you washing your face enough?Dr. Sapna Palep, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Spring Street Dermatology in New York, said it’s a question she hears often from many patients.“It’s clear that there is debate around this topic and patients are looking for answers to this important topic,” she said. THE BEST FOODS TO EAT FOR GLOWING, AGELESS SKIN AND WHAT TO AVOID, ACCORDING TO NUTRITIONISTSKeep reading to see what dermatologists think about how often you should do it. wash your face — and other useful tips for taking care of your face. Dermatologists are here to end the face-washing debate:…
Ready, set, recipes! Here are our fresh-from-the-mill recipes just published in one convenient place! These are the best vegan recipes of the day and are now one of the thousands of recipes available on our site. Food Monster app! Our new recipes are stunning, so if you’re looking for something new and delicious, these recipes are for you!We also strongly recommend that you download the Food Monster app — with over 15,000 delicious recipes, this is the largest resource for meatless, vegan, plant-based, and allergy-friendly recipes to help you get healthy! And don’t forget to check out our Popular Trends…
There is a critical need for evidence-based guidelines to help healthcare professionals provide sound mental health advice to people with cancer. Although there is little clinical advice, many healthcare professionals use integrative therapies such as yoga and meditation to treat cancer patients who have symptoms of anxiety and depression. THE Integrative Oncology Society (SIO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recently convened an expert panel that explored the body of research on integrative medicine to develop evidence-based recommendations for integrating these methods into practice.. Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsychwas one of the co-chairs of the Integrative oncology care…
One of three advanced manufacturing plants at Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC’s (Bendix) Acuña, Mexico campus was recently certified as a safe and healthy work environment by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) . Plant 3 certification recognizes the facility’s support of the health, safety and well-being of its employees. The Acuña campus, which also includes a logistics center, is also celebrating another safety achievement: in July, the operation reached the milestone of 365 days without a recordable injury. Since then, the campus has remained injury-free. Among the preventative and corrective safety activities integrated at Acuña are weekly safety…
Travel has always been about exploring new places and making memories, but as we enter 2024, travelers are more discerning than ever about how they invest their time and resources away from home. In response, hotels must grow and evolve quickly to meet their increasingly specific demands.Source: ©Stephan Stockinger via 123RFAs the local economy struggles with inflation, one light in the darkness is South Africa’s tourism and hospitality sector (and that of Africa as a whole). The exchange rate works in favor of international travelers, making South Africa an attractive and accessible destination. The combination of affordability and an authentic…
Health By Marc Lallanilla Published November 27, 2023, 5:10 p.m. ET Vitamin D – the “sunshine vitamin” that our bodies produce when we are exposed to sunlight – is essential to our health. It is essential for healthy bones and teeth, regulating inflammation, supporting the immune system and other tasks. A new report, presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2023 conference, suggests that the U.S. recommended dietary intake of vitamin D may be too low to achieve optimal levels for some people, particularly those with heart problems. So the researchers of Intermountain healtha healthcare network in the western…
Since the beginnings of cupcake company Baked by Melissa, co-founder and CEO Melissa Ben-Ishay has been the driving force behind its social media presence, posting regularly on Instagram and Facebook.Like many others, Ben-Ishay set his sights on TikTok in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown, posting cupcake decorating videos, behind-the-scenes clips from the bakery where his brand’s signature cupcakes are produced, and other product videos. The videos performed quite well, totaling between a few thousand and a few hundred thousand views. Then she posted a salad. And 9.8 million views later, it sparked a turning point in what Baked by Melissa…