Author: jzaqhzmy

Genetic testing can provide vital information. They can help diagnose disease, enable access to preventative care, expedite early detection and treatment, and guide patients’ treatment options. In Australia, life insurance companies can legally use genetic test results for discriminatory purposes. They may refuse to provide life insurance coverage, increase the cost of premiums, or impose exclusions on an individual’s coverage. This is called “genetic discrimination.” Recently, a number of federal parliamentarians called for a ban on genetic discrimination by life insurance companies. This follows recommendations of our research team for legislative reform Australians therefore do not forgo important genetic testing…

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Dr Jun Shi Lai, Senior Researcher at the Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences, highlighted the above in his speech at the Growth Asia Summit held in Singapore from September 26 to 28.It presented the theme “Optimizing maternal nutrition from preconception to post-pregnancy for the health of mothers and their children”.During the presentation, she highlighted the results of two clinical studies, namely Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) and Singapore PREconception Study of long-Term maternal and child Outcomes (S-PRESTO).These are said to be the largest and most comprehensive birth cohort studies in Singapore.The first involved 1,200 pregnant women from…

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“The worst thing you can do when you’re sad is try not to be.” Maria, a six-year-old girl who had lost her mother to colon cancer, said this to Laurel Braitman, PhD, while coloring during a children’s grief support session that Braitman was facilitating. It was a concept that took Braitman more than a decade to understand on her own, she explained in a session led by the best-selling author and medical school student at Stanford University’s Grace D. Li at Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting, Sunday, November 5. Braitman’s childhood, while privileged in many ways as…

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If hummus hasn’t captured your heart yet, prepare to fall in love with this dreamy dip. Made from nutrient-rich chickpeas, this creamy spread originates from the Middle East, where it is traditionally flavored with tahini, lemon juice and garlic.But the real beauty of hummus lies in its versatility: as well as being a great dip, its creamy consistency and light flavor make it ideal for incorporating into all kinds of savory dishes. Whether you’re new to hummus or a die-hard lover, you’ll love these 10 tasty ideas for using hummus in your everyday cooking!Basic hummus recipe30 minutes | Makes 1½…

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Published in Events By Jon Carnes November 5, 2023Welcome to This Week in Geek, your guide to events of interest to the Minnesota geek community for the week of Monday, November 6 through Sunday, November 12.(Access in-person events)Virtual EventsCreative evening @ GPS onlineWhat: Arts, communityWhen: Monday November 6, at 6:30 p.m.Where: Virtual via Google MeetLet your creativity shine with drawing, painting, crafting, or whatever your heart desires at Creative Night, a weekly event hosted by the Geek Partnership Society. This is a free event and a great opportunity to work on projects in good company.Virtual pub trivia nightWhat: AnecdoteWhen: Monday…

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Racial and wage disparities may play a role in the use of specialty drugs for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and in health inequities among non-white and low-income populations with state-sponsored insurance. employer.In a platinum-winning poster presented at the AMCP Nexus 2023 conference in Orlando, “Specialty Drug Use Varies by Race and Wage Among Employees with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance,” the authors said that Spending on specialty drugs for autoimmune diseases has increased in recent years. , raising affordability concerns for employers.Authors of the National Pharmaceutical Council study included Bruce Sherman, MD, of Case Western Reserve University, Rochelle Henderson, PhD, and…

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Pursuing a Ph.D. is indeed an exercise in patience, courage and resilience. It is a journey that requires long hours in libraries, laboratories and in the office where research becomes a routine part of life. Getting started on a doctorate. it’s like boarding a ship, ready to embark on an intellectual odyssey. It is a journey that takes you through uncharted academic waters, where the destination is triumphant. This journey is not for the faint of heart, it requires dogged perseverance and unwavering commitment. At the start of this expedition, you embark with an idea, a spark of curiosity that…

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NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL FAMILY CAREGIVER MONTH: Since 1994, National Family Caregivers Month has been an opportunity to recognize family caregivers. Did you know that in our country alone, there are more than 53 million family caregivers providing unpaid care?1 The economic value of this unpaid care totals more than $470 BILLION!2 So, if you are a natural caregiver, thank you! And if you know a caregiver, be sure to recognize their efforts this month. Caregiving is not for the faint of heart; It’s hard work, but it can also be a very rewarding experience.Sources1. National Alliance for Care and AARP.…

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With this week’s Theme Park Rangers Radar, we check out what’s for dinner at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, adventure “Behind the Attraction” with the Disney+ director of the series and compare the intensity of SeaWorld Orlando future Penguin Hike roller coaster using a tape measure. Radar is a weekly compilation of theme park news and curiosities. He publishes on Wednesday. Browsers A recent guided tour of Animal Nutrition Center behind Disney’s Animal Kingdom included a detour to the navigation chiller. Browse – meaning leafy plants – is actually grown on Walt Disney World property specifically intended to feed park animals.…

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SEATTLE — Since the beginning of November, a new mental health resource program has been available free to young people in Washington.Impact funds launched the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) program, with free access to all K-12 students, community college students, and higher education.Filmmaker and Impactful Fund founder Scilla Andreen said the team was proud of the launch and hoped it would “help save lives”. Andreen said the toolkit includes films for an evidence-based mental health education program that provides practical tools to educate our educators, youth and families to “approach mental health safely.”The program is now available for free in…

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