Do it for you: A new study found that three in five Americans are motivated to start a new fitness routine in 2024 to look great.
The survey of 2,000 U.S. adults found that over the next 12 months, people will prioritize their fitness: aiming to lose a certain amount of weight (43%), increasing overall strength (43%) %) and increase their general strength. mobility (35%).
But seeing a noticeable difference in the mirror takes time. The average person thinks it takes six weeks of a new fitness program before you notice a physical difference.
And once they saw results for themselves, 54% said it was “easier” to maintain their routine.
However, 48% fear losing motivation to get fit and 65% believe that motivation to improve their fitness levels actually diminishes over time.
By speaker
According to those surveyed, the motivation to continue lasts about four weeks before requiring a new push.
The investigation, commissioned by Optimal nutrition and conducted by OnePoll, found that the diet of the majority of Americans affects their level of fitness motivation (89%).
Nearly three in 10 people (29%) believe they don’t get enough protein in their diet, either missing it “all the time” (19%) or often (40%).
Gen In addition, more than three in five women (35%) believe they do not consume enough protein, compared to 23% of men.
The average person eats two meals a day that don’t contain protein, but 61% would be more likely to increase their protein intake to help them achieve their fitness goals.
As people think about their health and wellbeing over the next 12 months, the most common experiences that make them feel out of sorts include often feeling out of breath (49%) and trying clothes that no longer fit them (46%).
More than a quarter (29%) said they realized they were out of shape after being unable to climb a flight of stairs without feeling out of breath.
Overall, half are optimistic about their fitness future, believing their best physical days are still ahead of them.
“Of course, it takes time to notice a physical difference in ourselves,” said Jim Hogan, Optimum Nutrition brand manager. “But when you start a new fitness routine, that moment of realization is powerful: it’s encouragement that what you’re doing is working and that the goals you’ve set for yourself are achievable. This is the kind of motivation people need to maintain their fitness habits.
Lose a certain amount of weight – 43%
Increases my overall strength – 43%
Increase my general mobility – 35%
Gain muscle – 32%
Body composition (to lose fat and build muscle) – 26%
Maintain my current weight – 18%
Gain a certain amount of weight – 8%
This double-participation random survey of 2,000 Americans in the general population was ordered by Optimal nutrition between January 4 And January 8, 2024. It was carried out by a market research company A surveywhose team members are members of the Market research company and be a corporate member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).