To say the last year has been difficult is an understatement.
No matter what challenges you have gone through, the pandemic has had an impact on our mental health in different ways.
For Mental Health Awareness month, which begins on Saturday, we’ve rounded up some ways to refocus on yourself by taking care of yourself.
Whether it’s taking a break from household chores or connecting with yourself through meditation, here are some ideas on how to focus on self-love this Mental Health Awareness Month :
Spa day to take care of yourself
A spa day at home is a proven way to feel better on the inside by paying a little more attention to the outside. From manicures to facials, pull out your favorite skincare and beauty products to treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering.
Looking to amp up your spa day? Add one foot peeling at your pedicure. You can also get creative with DIY face masks, hair masks, and body scrubs. beauty ideas for taking care of yourself at home
Avoid cooking (and cleaning)
Nothing beats the comfort of your favorite wellness meal at your favorite restaurant. And while dining options may be limited in your area due to COVID-19, options for takeout or delivery are a great way to treat yourself to a fancy dinner at home. Perhaps the best part? Not having to cook and clean your kitchen, which means more time. You deserve a break.
Take you on a date
You may not be able to eat at a restaurant indoors or go to the movies, but you can still plan a special day for yourself. Outside ? Go on a picnic to a nearby park or even your backyard and connect with nature by putting away your phone and enjoying some of life’s simple pleasures: a packed lunch, bird watching or crosswords. Do you like cooking? Get the ingredients for a challenging new recipe you want to try, put on some music, and cook it!
Snuggle up with a book (or movie)
If a cozy day is just what you need, snuggle up with an exciting new book. Looking for ideas? You can check out our recent roundup of five books not to be missed.
If you are more of a movie buff, you can also relax with your favorite movie. Discover our story on 100 films to watch for a little inspiration.
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Connect with yourself through meditation
Show yourself some love by checking in with your thoughts and feelings. Meditation apps like Headspace and Simple Habit can help users check in and relieve stress.
Put your love on paper
Donna Cardillo, nurse, motivational speaker and author from “Falling Together – How to Find Balance, Joy, and Meaningful Change When Your Life Seems to Fall Apart,” suggests writing a love letter to yourself this year.
“Start with an endearing greeting, praising and acknowledging your life and values and signing it with affection,” she writes.
Try a Gratitude Journal
It is believed that expressing gratitude regularly helps you feel happierthat is why Lindsey Vickers of expressed her gratitude by journaling a chance by writing down things she was grateful for every night.
“Nothing changed my sleep – and my overall mood – as much as a gratitude journal. It took me about a week to see an effect, but after that the difference was practically palpable. I was happier as I dozed off, I stayed asleep longer, and experienced fewer nighttime interruptions.
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