They say things come in threes, but the last 14 days suggest the adage is unreliable, given the many farewells to nonagenarians and a centenarian. A nonagenarian is a person in their nineties (90 to 99 years old). A centenarian is a person who is 100 years old and a supercentenarian has reached 110 years of age.
It all began with the death of Rosalyn Carter on November 19 at the age of 96, the first nonagenarian to say her final goodbyes. Carter was followed by Cheers and Sex in the City actress Frances Sternhagen eight days later, at age 93. Then came Charlie Munger, just a month shy of his 100th birthday, and finally Sandra Day O’Connor on December 1 at age 93, just two years old. a few days after the announcement of the death of centenarian Henry Kissinger.
Of course, these names are well-known Americans. Expand the research to the average citizen, or make it global, and the evidence is clear: people are living longer.
Even though the list above includes the wife of a president and one of the richest men in the world, the question remains: what does it take to live longer? And maintain a positive quality of life?
Interestingly, the greatest impact on health and well-being is within the control of the individual. So, to have a better chance of living a long and healthy life, here are some suggestions.
Five factors for a long and healthy life
Aside from regular checkups and preventative care, five factors are said to improve health and well-being, leading to a longer, happier life. And even if you think you need to plan your day to fit them all in, researchers say doing just one is enough to provide benefits.
Regular physical activity
Any form of physical activity, including exercise, is linked to increased longevity and the prevention of diseases including metabolic disorders, cancer, mood disorders and weight management. How much exercise is needed? According to the American Medical Association, the Physical Activity Guidelines 2018 suggest that 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise and 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous movement per week is recommended for adults.
Moderate physical activity is defined as walking, weight lifting, and low-intensity exercise. Meanwhile, vigorous exercises are classified as running, cycling and swimming. Do more than the minimum, and the study says it can have an even bigger impact.
According to Wikipedia, the oldest person living in the United States is 115-year-old Edith Ceccarelli, who danced regularly into old age. She lived independently until she was 107 and moved into a retirement home. She didn’t smoke either, which brings us to the next point on the list.
Avoid harmful habits
When it comes to a glass of red wine with dinner, many people living to be 100 or older report that a little wine is good for them. The Frenchwoman Lucile Randon, until her death in January 2023 at the age of 118, claimed to eat chocolate and drink a glass of wine daily.
On the other hand, smoking has long been a determining factor in diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as cancer. While smoking can be the cause of long and prolonged illnesses, drug use can lead to a much shorter life expectancy.
Deaths from drug overdoses continue to increase through the ages. The increase is primarily due to the synthetic opioid fentanyl, which is about 50 times more potent than heroin, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Fentanyl and emerging synthetics are being mixed with counterfeit opioid pills, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.
According to Psychology todayy, many people turn to drugs due to emotional pain and loneliness, the next item on the list.
Social connection
Social belonging is a fundamental human need, written in the DNA. Lack of social interaction can lead to loneliness, which increases the incidence of emotional, mental and even physical illnesses. Not only has drug use increased, but so have suicides, particularly among older age groups.
Many people rely on the workplace to create social connections, and organizations with more remote workers are finding new ways to help people feel connected.
Ultimately, increasing social interaction takes effort. One suggestion from many sources, including the World Health Organization, is to make friends with people of all ages. Join a class on a topic that interests you or start a walking group and check off two healthy points at once.
A Harvard study reports that friendships make us happier and healthier. Additionally, friendships help protect our brains against memory loss later in life.
Balanced diet
Medical News Today has published a report saying a 40-year-old man could add almost nine years to his life by changing his diet to follow that of the United Kingdom. Eatwell Guide dietary recommendations. This change resulted in an 8.6 year increase in life expectancy for a woman of the same age. For a 70-year-old man, this development would correspond to an increase in life expectancy of four years and 4.4 years for a woman of this age.
The more positive a person feels about themselves and the world around them, the more likely they are to have a positive impact on health, well-being and longevity. Dr. Becca Levy is a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and author of the book “Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Ensure How Long and Well You Live.” His research has repeatedly demonstrated how positive beliefs have a positive effect on impact on health and longevity– especially regarding beliefs about age and aging. Positive beliefs about age can add almost eight years to your life.
Find what works for you
Munger was known to joke that he avoided exercise at all costs. But one thing he advocated was a positive mindset. He often preached about the dangers of envy, resentment, anger, and negative people. There is much to be said for Munger’s suggestion to stay joyful by letting go of all that is negative. Many believe this attitude is one of the reasons he lived a long life.
Remember, it’s not about doing everything all the time. Which of these five healthy habits could you adopt?