Prevalence and coping strategies
In 2021, an estimated 20 percent of Argentines were experiencing symptoms of psychological discomfort linked to anxiety and depression, a figure that has remained relatively stable over the past decade. THE prevalence is higher among womenaffecting almost a quarter of the female population, compared to almost 17 percent of men. When we consider age, it is those aged 35 to 59 and 60 to 74 who are most affected, with 22.8 and 23.3 percent of the population showing symptoms respectively. Alcohol use disorders and major depressive disorders are the most common categories of mental health problems in the South American country, it affects around 2 percent of the population, with an additional 0.76 percent of the population affected by drug use disorders.
According to a survey carried out in 2022, the most common method for treating mental health discomfort in Argentina, it is through communication with friends, with four in ten respondents seeking help within their personal network. Additionally, one in five people tend to rely on prayer, while a similar percentage have sought professional help. In fact, more than two million outpatient consultations related to mental health were reported in Argentina in 2020. The most common category of mental health services in the country there are appointments with psychologists, followed by general mental health appointments and emergency medical services. It was estimated that more than three million users adopt mental health medications.
Mental Health Care in Argentina
Argentina is characterized by a high level number of mental health professionals. In 2020, the number of psychologists in this Latin American country stood at 286 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants, in addition to 15 psychiatrists and 26 mental health establishments per 100,000 inhabitants. However, based on a survey carried out in 2021, a part of the Argentine population who considers it necessary to receive mental health treatment did not have access to it due to lack of financial means. An additional percentage is missing strong social structural support. With a share of less than two percent of the government health budget budget allocated to mental health programs and pressing social challenges such as inflation, crime and unemployment, caring for the mental health of the population in line with the goals set out in the WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health will require strong coordinated efforts from the from several stakeholders.
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