Published: November 20, 2023
Six exceptional researchers were rewarded NIHR Research Professors. They will carry out research aimed at having a positive impact on people across the UK.
The NIHR Research Professorships program funds and supports the research leaders of the future. It aims to strengthen and benefit from leadership in health research, public health and care.
This year, six leading researchers will receive five-year grants of up to £2 million. They will receive an extensive support package. This includes three support positions and access to a leadership and development program. They will conduct research covering a wide range of questions, including:
- Personalizing Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children Using an Internet-Based System
- implementing new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologies to transform prostate cancer outcomes
- use new statistical methods to enable better, safer and more equitable use of medicines
- improve the prevention of several chronic diseases using risk prediction tools
- research to treat eczema in children and identify and treat children’s food allergies
- understand why older people are more vulnerable to respiratory infections
Since 2011, 66 people have won the competition prize. Many of them have become research leaders. This includes Professor Lucy Chappell, chief scientific adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care and CEO of the NIHR.
Professor Waljit Dhillo, Scientific Director of Research Capacity and Capability, said: “I am delighted and honored to welcome the latest group of outstanding researchers to the NIHR Research Chair programme. I look forward to seeing the difference their research will make to the lives of people and communities across the UK.
“The NIHR Research Chair is one of the most prestigious awards we offer. Their expertise in health and care research will help improve people’s health and well-being.
The awards are open to researchers from all professional backgrounds. Previous prizes in recent competitions have been awarded to:
- health services researchers
- basic scientists
- health economists, statisticians
- engineers
- psychologists
Applications for the next round are currently open until December 6. Find out more on the NIHR website.
Transformative Prize for Clinical Academics
The NIHR Research Chair is considered a transformative element in a researcher’s career. A survey of active and full fellows from 2011 to 2022 found:
- increases their academic reputation and influence
- helps advance careers by facilitating access to management positions
- led to the development of important collaborations in the UK and internationally
- is considered one of the most prestigious funding programs for clinical academics
- helps develop leaders and build capacity
Faculty researchers have a strong track record of conducting research that benefits patients and the public. Former research professor Alastair Hay studied the impact of children’s respiratory tract infections on NHS resources. This led to the development of a tool (STARWAVe) which:
- helped primary care practitioners identify serious respiratory infections in children
- reduction of clinical uncertainty regarding antibiotic prescribing
- predicts which children would benefit from antibiotics
The study was published in Lancet Respiratory Medicine. Other teacher-researcher work has led to:
- influence policies and practices
- improve the lives of the public
- developments that enable more accurate diagnosis and better treatment methods.
Learn more about the latest fellowship holders and their research.
NIHR Research Professors
The latest cohort of winners is:
- Professor Samuele Cortese, University of Southampton. Their research topic is: Personalization of pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.
- Professor Daniela Ferreira, Professor of Vaccinology, University of Oxford. Their research topic is: Understanding nasal immunity to improve vaccine protection against respiratory infections
- Professor Shonit Punwani, University College London. Their research topic is: Smarter identification and management of early prostate cancer: improving lives and outcomes through clinical translation of novel magnetic resonance imaging (SELeCT).
- Professor Matthew Ridd, University of Bristol. Their research topic is: Transforming pediatric allergy outcomes into primary care (TOPIC)
- Professor Reecha Sofat, University of Liverpool. Their research topic is: CAUsal inference methods to inform regulation and guidance in medicine: CAUSAL
- Professor Angela Wood, University of Cambridge. Their research topic is: Primary prevention of several chronic diseases through data-driven approaches mobilizing longitudinal health records at the population level.
Learn more about the latest fellowship holders and their research.