At its most recent annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) offered a unique educational program: “Nonclinical Careers for Neurologists.”(1) The program increased the visibility of career alternatives for neurologists experiencing symptoms of burnout or seeking new professional challenges. Many practicing neurologists are unaware that a wide variety of career choices are available to recently graduated physicians and those already in established clinical or academic positions.
In a well-attended informal session, three neurologists who have “worked outside the box” shared their professional experiences.
Heidi Moawad, MD, a neurologist whose nonclinical career involves consulting, teaching, and writing, presented the topic. She observed that non-clinical careers can provide opportunities such as developing leadership skills and developing technological innovations that improve patient care on a population scale. Potential rewards include increased income and job flexibility.
Examples of non-clinical careers include hospital leadership, medical affairs, and management positions in the pharmaceutical industry; regulatory positions within the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA); work in public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and positions in medical education companies and media, such as the Internet, radio, and television.
To succeed in a non-clinical career, Moawad told the audience it’s important to build a resume emphasizing the strengths that make you valuable in the non-clinical world. It is also necessary to have an “entrepreneurial spirit”.
Another presenter, David Jones, MD, left a successful neuroimmunology practice for a nonclinical career, not because of burnout, but because he realized the immense influence of public policy on patient care. While serving as chair of the AAN Multiple Sclerosis Section, he learned how issues such as drug pricing and access to services affected each patient.
Through networking with colleagues at the AAN and the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, he found an exciting opportunity at the FDA. This non-clinical position appealed to him for several reasons. Not only would he help multiple sclerosis patients across the country by improving access to new therapies, but he would also be able to work a few days a week from home and spend more time with his family.
Jones is excited about his new position at the FDA, but considers it “a two-year sabbatical.” He does not rule out returning to clinical practice or taking a position in advocacy or the pharmaceutical industry in the future. He commented: “We (neurologists) are all very educated and can do many things for a short or long period of time. Changing direction can be very helpful, and not all decisions are final. Life is a journey.”
I was the third panelist and shared my experience as a neurologist and medical journalist over the years. For those who enjoy writing, many opportunities exist. These range from publishing traditional research articles to blogs, conference reports, editorials and continuing medical education programs. Online sites, such as,, and many others, require regular submission of well-written materials to cover research presented at medical conferences as well as other medical news. I have also been fortunate to be the author of three full-length books.
I believe that many doctors have intrinsic advantages to become successful writers. Their medical degree demonstrates a high level of commitment, intelligence and follow-through, essential requirements for a freelance writer. Trained physicians have already mastered organizational skills that can lend themselves to nonfiction and creative writing. Additionally, their medical training provides a knowledge base, interview skills, and insight into medical topics that non-MD writers may not possess. For me, writing is a demanding part-time activity that complements my clinical practice.
Based on the enthusiastic public response, it is likely that the AAN will propose a follow-up program at the 2019 annual meeting.